In the first 30 years of the twentieth century Genoa flourishes with new beauty: the new architectures follow more the impulse of the fantasy than the rationality, more the joy of the decorativism, than the practicality of the living and the working. 

The city is punctuated by redundant buildings, curious, bizarre, sometimes not functional, but free to express their uniqueness. 

The large crowd of young designers of the time is headed by the Florentine Gino Coppedé, who signed many of those extraordinary buildings, made for that upper-middle class which, at the turn of the century, has developed a refined and international style and taste, where the female figure, cloaked in mystery, becomes central.

Entirely pedestrian, not suitable for people with reduced mobility.

Your four-legged friend will be welcome.

Rate € 150
Excluded no entrance fee
Duration 2 h
Languages italian, english, french, spanish
Departure Piazza Raffaele De Ferrari
Validity every day, morning or afternoon (time to be agreed)

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